Stained Glass

  • The Stained Glass of St. James Episcopal Church

    Written by the Rev. William Slack (1917-1937) and edited by Arnetta Gravier.

    All information for this page comes from this 30-page booklet, with details of each glass section and the individual or family that commissioned the particular glass. It is available for a nominal purchase by contacting the church office at 445.9845. 

    The fourth and current church building was constructed in 1926 at the corner of Bolton Avenue and Murray Street, and it was the rector, Dr. William Slack, who designed and supervised the installation of the windows. The glass depicts a historical sequence, from the ministry of Jesus, to the life of James, to the evolution of the church in history, including the American colonies. Windows were designed by the Jacoby Glass Company, St. Louis. 

    According to Arnetta Gravier, "nineteenth-century excavations in the Middle East uncovered colored glass pieces believed to have been made as early as 1400 B.C. Glass was used for vessels and ornaments until the Romans used glass in an architectural context. Decorative glass windows appeared in churches at an early date."

    This from the Rev. Slack: "Rarely does it happen that it is possible to supply at one time all the windows necessary to fill the openings. It may be of interest to record the cost of the windows - $13,500...Because it was all done [planned] at one time, there is a harmony that is found in these windows which is extremely unusual."


  • The Nativity, given as a memorial from the congregation for the Rev. Slack and installed in 1945. "Today in the city of David, a deliverer has been born, the Messiah - the Lord."

  • The Request of the Wife of Zebedee for Her Sons, given by Mrs. Nell Schnack Hunter in memory of Carl August Schnack & Maud Kennedy Schnack. This window, depicting the mother of James and John asking Jesus for her sons to have prominent places of power, was the first to be selected and placed over the altar so that it "stares us in the face," writes Rev. Slack and "we are brought face-to-face with the question of our own service; and we should ask ourselves the personal question, 'Am I serving Him for my own advancement?'"

  • Jesus Stilling the Tempest, given by Mrs. Nauman Steele Scott in memory of Nauman Steele Scott.

  • The Transfiguration, given by Mrs. Thomas Clements in memory of Thomas & Frances Clements.

  • Detail of The Last Supper, given in thanksgiving by Henry Ernest Hardtner & Juliet Doerr Hardtner.

  • The Crucifixion, given by the Jarreau and Huie families, in memory of Sophie McCormick, Lucie (Lucy) Jarreau, and Laura Ethel Huie.

  • The Beheading of James, depicting his martyrdom, given by the St. James guild in appreciation for the women volunteers of St. James.

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